Terms & Conditions of Enrolment
By submitting an Enrolment I am agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
School Age Care Bookings and Cancellations with Quantin Binnah
I understand that:
My application and/or re-enrolment is subject to approval by Quantin Binnah and all applications are subject to the conditions outlined in the Enrolment Policy.
I acknowledge that my child may not be booked in on all the permanent days requested. Quantin Binnah staff will contact me if any of my selected days are not available.
Parent 1 MUST be the parent who is registered for Childcare Subsidy (CCS) with Centrelink. When applying enter your full name, date of birth and CRN as registered with Centrelink to ensure your CCS entitlements will be paid.
Upon approval of my child's enrolment, I understand that only I, as parent 1, will have full access to the OWNA parent app. If I require parent 2 to have full access to the app, I must provide permission in writing to admin@qbcc.org.au requesting the access.
All documentation required for enrolment is current and submitted (including supporting diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child if applicable) and is compliant with our policy and Children’s Services Regulations.
Appropriate CARE Plans are developed in partnership with families where required to ensure safety for all children. The CARE Plan will take into consideration any diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child which should be provided along with the enrolment.
Appropriate consent is provided for QB to consult with a child’s education setting and other relevant supporting professionals to ensure a consistent approach to care and CARE Plans. (Individual consent forms will be provided to parents/carers where required).
When considering appropriateness of enrolments please note that Quantin Binnah reserves the right to consider factors such as group size, group dynamics, child safety for all children, staff safety and other special considerations in order to act in the best interests of all children and families. Quantin Binnah will make decisions accordingly regarding the appropriateness of the enrolment application.
Bookings and Cancellations
When permanent care is no longer required, I am required to give 2 weeks’ notice in writing to prior to cancellation. I understand that I will be charged for 2 weeks of permanent care from the date I give notice.
I must mark my child absent via the parent app if my child is not going to attend his/her permanent after school care session by 2pm on the day of the scheduled attendance. Failure to do so will incur a non-notification or late notification fee.
I must book a casual Before School Care via the parent app before my child can attend the before care.
I must book a casual After School Care session if my child is going to attend by 2pm on the day of the required attendance. Failure to do so will incur a non-notification or late notification fee.
I must request cancellation for a casual after school care booking via email admin@qbcc.org.au or on the parent app by 2pm if my child will not attend a booked casual session.
Please see https://www.qbcc.org.au/enrolments for Fees All Children’s Services to see current fees.
I understand my request to book on our on line system for Casual or Vacation Care may be placed on hold for (but not limited to) the following reasons:
I have outstanding Debts to QB and prior to booking Casual or Vacation Care I will need to ensure my debts are paid or I commit to a payment plan
My child’s medication is out of date
I have not provided an updated appropriate medical management plan
I have not contributed to the development of a risk minimisation Plan
I have not provided relevant medical diagnosis/ allied health assessment reports
I have not contributed to the development of a CARE Plan
I have not set up direct debit details
I have not provided appropriate proof of completed immunisation
The team require further discussion regarding safety concerns
Payment Information
All fees for Before and After School Care must be paid by direct debit to be set up at the time of enrolment.
Fees for care are invoiced and direct debited one week in advance.
I understand I am responsible for having sufficient fund in my nominated account for direct debit purposes.
I understand that where I have multiple failed direct debit payments and the debt management process has already been activated (including relevant Director consultation) resulting in an inordinate amount of administration the following further action will be taken:
​Unless there are extenuating circumstances, after consultation with the CEO.
The family’s permanent care booking will be removed, and the family will be able to book casual care only if they continue to meet their account requirements until a time specified in the correspondence provided to the family.
The Multiple Failed Direct Debit Fee will be applicable.
There is a non-refundable admin fee payable (for new families) upon enrolment.
I have read and understood the Quantin Binnah Community Centre fee payment policy and agree to abide with this policy.
Please see https://www.qbcc.org.au/enrolments for Fees All Children’s Services to see current fees.
​Childcare Subsidy (CCS) (First and/or Last Day Absence)
When a child is absent on their first day of care or their last day of care, Services Australia will not pay their Childcare Subsidy.
Under the law, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
If your child does not attend their last booked session of care, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for that session or any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
The Childcare Subsidy that was paid for a child's last day when that day was an absence will normally be overturned 14 weeks after the last day absence and will then be deemed as an amount owing to Quantin Binnah by you.
Parent Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by Quantin Binnah's Parent Code of Conduct included in the Children's Services Parent Handbook.
Medical Management Plans
As per our Medical Conditions Policy, we are unable to permit children to attend our services without their appropriate up to date medical management plans or their individual medication requirements.
To assist you further the correct coloured medical management plans may be obtained by calling Admin on 9742 5040 or from your service/ room leader. Please print in colour prior to attending the Dr’s for sign-off/stamp and please provide a small coloured photo to be attached to these plans.
Please note: Medical management plan must be officially endorsed by your child’s medical practitioner in the form of the doctors stamp/ seal or their GP Provider number.
The completed medical management plans with your Dr’s sign off can be attached to your enrolment or may be returned via email to admin@qbcc.org.au or handed in at your relevant service
Health and Safety
I agree to :
Accompany my child while dropping them off and picking them up from the service.
To sign my child in to the service at drop off and to sign my child out at pick up.
Educators displaying my child’s Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Diabetes or Epilepsy Medical Management Plan in the program (if applicable)
Have my child's Dietary Restrictions on display in the room (if applicable).
An authorised educator inspecting my child’s hair for pediculosis (head lice).
Where my childs before and after school care program is not located at the school (i.e. Bethany, Westgrove, Laverton) I herby give my permission for my child to be walked between their school and the out of school care location as required.
I hereby give permission for my child to be walked to and from the program to a location in the immediate vicinity of the venue and to be evacuated from the venue in the event of an emergency or an authorised drill. I understand that educator ratios will be maintained at all times.
I understand that my child/ren must follow the Behavior Policy in place and that unacceptable behavior may result in my child/ren being suspended and or expelled from the before, after and vacation care programs.
Collection of Children
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time, educators will contact me first and then the authorised contacts recorded on this enrolment.
I declare that I have informed and obtained consent of persons listed as authorised contacts for their personal details to be collected and used by the venue.
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time that a late collection fee will apply as per Quantin Binnah's policy and procedures
Vacation Care Bookings and Cancellations with Quantin Binnah
I understand that:
My application and/or re-enrolment is subject to approval by Quantin Binnah and all applications are subject to the conditions outlined in the Enrolment Policy.
Parent 1 MUST be the parent who is registered for Childcare Subsidy (CCS) with Centrelink. When applying enter your full name, date of birth and CRN as registered with Centrelink to ensure your CCS entitlements will be paid.
Upon approval of my child's enrolment, I understand that only I, as parent 1, will have full access to the OWNA parent app. If I require parent 2 to have full access to the app, I must provide permission in writing to admin@qbcc.org.au requesting the access.
All documentation required for enrolment is current and submitted (including supporting diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child if applicable) and is compliant with our policy and Children’s Services Regulations.
Appropriate CARE Plans are developed in partnership with families where required to ensure safety for all children. The CARE Plan will take into consideration any diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child which should be provided along with the enrolment.
Appropriate consent is provided for QB to consult with a child’s education setting and other relevant supporting professionals to ensure a consistent approach to care and CARE Plans. (Individual consent forms will be provided to parents/carers where required).
When considering appropriateness of enrolments please note that Quantin Binnah reserves the right to consider factors such as group size, group dynamics, child safety for all children, staff safety and other special considerations in order to act in the best interests of all children and families. Quantin Binnah will make decisions accordingly regarding the appropriateness of the enrolment application.
If not enrolled in our services, you will be required to complete the enrolment form. Once your enrolment form has been approved, you will receive the invitation to download the parent app.
Bookings and Cancellations
Quantin Binnah will advise when Vacation Care Bookings are made available to be booked via the parent app.
Vacation Care bookings are made via the parent app and are subject to availability.
I understand that there are no cancellations, no refunds and no change of venue or days once the booking has been made via the parent app.
If you require a Vacation Care Booking after bookings have been closed (closing date is advised when bookings open) you will need to contact admin@qbcc.org.au to request the booking and an additional closed/late booking admin fee will apply per family. This additional closed/ late booking admin fee will also apply if you have already made a vacation care booking and are requesting extra days in addition to that booking.
I understand that where I have selected excursion days I must sign the excursion permission forms for my child to be transported by bus to and from the Vacation Care venue and the excursion site.
I understand my request to book on our on line system for Casual or Vacation Care may be placed on hold for (but not limited to) the following reasons:
I have outstanding Debts to QB and prior to booking Casual or Vacation Care I will need to ensure my debts are paid or I commit to a payment plan
My child’s medication is out of date
I have not provided an updated appropriate medical management plan
I have not contributed to the development of a risk minimisation Plan
I have not provided relevant medical diagnosis/ allied health assessment reports
I have not contributed to the development of a CARE Plan
I have not set up direct debit details
I have not provided appropriate proof of completed immunisation
The team require further discussion regarding safety concerns
Payment Information
I understand that there is a non-refundable admin fee payable (for new families) upon enrolment.
Fees for care are invoiced and direct debited one week in advance.
I understand I am responsible for having sufficient fund in my nominated account for direct debit purposes.
I understand that where I have multiple failed direct debit payments and the debt management process has already been activated (including relevant Director consultation) resulting in an inordinate amount of administration the following further action will be taken:
​Unless there are extenuating circumstances, after consultation with the CEO.
The family’s vacation care bookings will be removed, and the family will be unable to book vacation care care unless they meet their account requirements.
The Multiple Failed Direct Debit Fee will be applicable.
I have read and understood the Quantin Binnah Community Centre fee payment policy and agree to abide with this policy.
Please see https://www.qbcc.org.au/enrolments for Fees All Children’s Services to see current fees.
Childcare Subsidy (CCS) (First and/or Last Day Absence)
When a child is absent on their first day of care or their last day of care, Services Australia will not pay their Childcare Subsidy.
Under the law, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
If your child does not attend their last booked session of care, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for that session or any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
The Childcare Subsidy that was paid for a child's last day when that day was an absence will normally be overturned 14 weeks after the last day absence and will then be deemed as an amount owing to Quantin Binnah by you.
Parent Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by Quantin Binnah's Parent Code of Conduct included in the Children's Services Parent Handbook.
Medical Management Plans
As per our Medical Conditions Policy, we are unable to permit children to attend our services without their appropriate up to date medical management plans or their individual medication requirements.
To assist you further the correct coloured medical management plans may be obtained by calling Admin on 9742 5040 or from your service/ room leader. Please print in colour prior to attending the Dr’s for sign-off/stamp and please provide a small coloured photo to be attached to these plans.
Please note: Medical management plan must be officially endorsed by your child’s medical practitioner in the form of the doctors stamp/ seal or their GP Provider number.
The completed medical management plans with your Dr’s sign off can be attached to your enrolment or may be returned via email to admin@qbcc.org.au or handed in at your relevant service
Nutrition, Health and Safety
Accompany my child while dropping them off and picking them up from the service.
To sign my child in to the service at drop off and to sign my child out at pick up.
When using Vacation Care, unless otherwise stated on the program, I understand that I need to provide a packed lunch and snack for my child. I will not send my child to the program with any nut products, including Nutella, Peanut Butter and Nut Bars or food items that require heating in their snack or lunch.
I hereby give permission for my child to be walked to and from the program to a location in the immediate vicinity of the venue and to be evacuated from the venue in the event of an emergency or an authorised drill. I understand that educator ratios will be maintained at all times.
I agree to educators displaying my child’s Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Diabetes or Epilepsy Medical Management Plan in the program (if applicable)
I agree to have my child's Dietary Restrictions on display in the room (if applicable).
I understand that my child/ren must follow the Behavior Policy in place and that unacceptable behavior may result in my child/ren being suspended and or expelled from the before, after and vacation care programs.
I agree to an authorised educator inspecting my child’s hair for pediculosis (head lice).
I hereby give permission for my child to watch PG rated movies during an excursion to the cinemas
Collection of Children
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time, educators will contact me first and then the authorised contacts recorded on this enrolment.
I declare that I have informed and obtained consent of persons listed as authorised contacts for their personal details to be collected and used by the venue.
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time that a late collection fee will apply as per Quantin Binnah's policy and procedures
Childcare Bookings and Cancellations with Quantin Binnah.
I understand that:
My application and/or re-enrolment is subject to approval by Quantin Binnah and all applications are subject to the conditions outlined in the Enrolment Policy.
I acknowledge that my child may not be booked in on all the permanent days requested. Quantin Binnah staff will contact me if any of my selected days are not available.
Parent 1 MUST be the parent who is registered for Childcare Subsidy (CCS) with Centrelink. When applying enter your full name, date of birth and CRN as registered with Centrelink to ensure your CCS entitlements will be paid.
Upon approval of my child's enrolment, I understand that only I, as parent 1, will have full access to the OWNA parent app. If I require parent 2 to have full access to the app, I must provide permission in writing to admin@qbcc.org.au requesting the access.
All documentation required for enrolment is current and submitted (including supporting diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child if applicable) and is compliant with our policy and Children’s Services Regulations.
Appropriate CARE Plans are developed in partnership with families where required to ensure safety for all children. The CARE Plan will take into consideration any diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child which should be provided along with the enrolment.
Appropriate consent is provided for QB to consult with a child’s education setting and other relevant supporting professionals to ensure a consistent approach to care and CARE Plans. (Individual consent forms will be provided to parents/carers where required).
When considering appropriateness of enrolments please note that Quantin Binnah reserves the right to consider factors such as group size, group dynamics, child safety for all children, staff safety and other special considerations in order to act in the best interests of all children and families. Quantin Binnah will make decisions accordingly regarding the appropriateness of the enrolment application.
Payment & Cancellation Information
I understand that all fees for Childcare must be paid by direct debit to be set up at the time of enrolment, or by an alternative method agreed at the time of enrolment at the Directors discretion.
I understand I am responsible for having sufficient fund in my nominated account for direct debit purposes.
I understand that where I have multiple failed direct debit payments and the debt management process has already been activated (including relevant Director consultation) resulting in an inordinate amount of administration the following further action will be taken:
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, after consultation with the CEO the family’s permanent care booking will be removed until the family meet their account/payment plan requirements.
The Multiple Failed Direct Debit Fee will be applicable.
I understand that there is a non-refundable admin fee payable (for new families) upon enrolment
I have read and understood the Quantin Binnah Community Centre fee payment policy and agree to abide with this policy.
When childcare is no longer required, I am required to give 2 weeks’ notice in writing prior to cancellation. I understand that I will be charged for 2 weeks of permanent care from the date I give notice, subject to confirmation from the Childcare Director. Please email childcaredirector@qbcc.org.au to request cancellation of care.
Please see https://www.qbcc.org.au/enrolments for Fees All Children’s Services to see current fees.
I understand my child will not be able to commence at Quantin Binnah for (but not limited to) the following reasons:
I have outstanding Debts to QB and prior to enrolling I will need to ensure my debts are paid or I commit to a payment plan
My child’s medication is out of date
I have not provided an updated appropriate medical management plan
I have not contributed to the development of a risk minimisation Plan
I have not provided relevant medical diagnosis/ allied health assessment reports
I have not contributed to the development of a CARE Plan
I have not set up the direct debit system
I have not provided appropriate proof of completed immunisation/ birth certificate
The team require further discussion regarding safety concerns
Childcare Subsidy (First and/or Last Day Absence)
When a child is absent on their first day of care or their last day of care, Services Australia will not pay their Childcare Subsidy.
Under the law, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
If your child does not attend their last booked session of care, no Childcare Subsidy will be paid for that session or any days after the child’s last physical attendance at the service.
The Childcare Subsidy that was paid for a child's last day when that day was an absence will normally be overturned 14 weeks after the last day absence and will then be deemed as an amount owing to Quantin Binnah by you.
Parent Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by Quantin Binnah's Parent Code of Conduct included in the Children's Services Parent Handbook.
Medical Management Plans
As per our Medical Conditions Policy, we are unable to permit children to attend our services without their appropriate up to date medical management plans or their individual medication requirements.
To assist you further the correct coloured medical management plans may be obtained by calling Admin on 9742 5040 or from your service/ room leader. Please print in colour prior to attending the Dr’s for sign-off/stamp and please provide a small coloured photo to be attached to these plans.
Please note: Medical management plan must be officially endorsed by your child’s medical practitioner in the form of the doctors stamp/ seal or their GP Provider number.
The completed medical management plans with your Dr’s sign off can be attached to your enrolment or may be returned via email to admin@qbcc.org.au or handed in at your relevant service
I agree to educators displaying my child's Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Diabetes or Epilepsy Medical Management Plan in the program (if applicable)
Health and Safety
I hereby give permission for my child to be walked to and from their room to a location in the immediate vicinity of the venue and to be evacuated from the venue in the event of an emergency or an authorised drill. I understand that educator ratios will be maintained at all times.
I agree to accompany my child while dropping them off and picking them up from the service.
I agree to sign my child in to the service at drop off and to sign my child out at pick up.
I agree to have my child's Dietary Restrictions on display in the room (if applicable).
I agree to an authorised educator inspecting my child's hair for pediculosis (head lice).
Collection of Children
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time, educators will contact me first and then the authorised contacts recorded on this enrolment.
I declare that I have informed and obtained consent of persons listed as authorised contacts for their personal details to be collected and used by the venue.
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time that a late collection fee will apply as per Quantin Binnah's policy and procedures.
Kindergarten (4Yr. & 3Yr.) and Playgroup Bookings and Cancellations with Quantin Binnah.
I understand that:
Upon approval of my child's enrolment, I understand that only I, as parent 1, will have full access to the OWNA parent app. If I require parent 2 to have full access to the app, I must provide permission in writing to admin@qbcc.org.au requesting the access.
Appropriate CARE Plans are developed in partnership with families where required to ensure safety for all children. The CARE Plan will take into consideration any diagnosis documents, NDIS plan or a professional letter stating the additional need requirement for the child which should be provided along with the enrolment.
Appropriate consent is provided for QB to consult with a child’s education setting and other relevant supporting professionals to ensure a consistent approach to care and CARE Plans. (Individual consent forms will be provided to parents/carers where required).
Payment Information
I understand that there is a non-refundable admin fee payable (for new families) upon enrolment in Playgroup.
I have read and understood the Quantin Binnah Community Centre fee payment policy and agree to abide with this policy.
I understand that all fees for Kindergarten must be paid by the due date as stated on the invoice/statement.
I understand my child will not be able to commence at Quantin Binnah for (but not limited to) the following reasons:
I have outstanding Debts to QB and prior to enrolling I will need to ensure my debts are paid or I commit to a payment plan
My child’s medication is out of date
I have not provided an updated appropriate medical management plan
I have not contributed to the development of a risk minimisation Plan
I have not provided relevant medical diagnosis/ allied health assessment reports
I have not contributed to the development of a CARE Plan
I have not set up the direct debit system
I have not provided appropriate proof of completed immunisation/ birth certificate
Parent Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by Quantin Binnah's Parent Code of Conduct included in the Children's Service Parent Handbook.
Medical Management Plans
As per our Medical Conditions Policy, we are unable to permit children to attend our services without their appropriate up to date medical management plans or their individual medication requirements.
To assist you further the correct coloured medical management plans may be obtained by calling Admin on 9742 5040 or from your service/ room leader. Please print in colour prior to attending the Dr’s for sign-off/stamp and please provide a small coloured photo to be attached to these plans.
Please note: Medical management plan must be officially endorsed by your child’s medical practitioner in the form of the doctors stamp/ seal or their GP Provider number.
The completed medical management plans with your Dr’s sign off can be attached to your enrolment or may be returned via email to admin@qbcc.org.au or handed in at your relevant service
Nutrition, Health and Safety
I understand that I need to provide a packed lunch and snack for my child. I will not send my child to Kindergarten with any nut products, including Nutella, Peanut Butter and Nut Bars or food items that require heating in their snack or lunch. Please refer to the No Nut Policy as described in the Parent Handbook.
I agree to sign the attendance register as I leave my child and collect my child with the Kinder staff on the days they attend.
I agree to educators displaying my child's Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Diabetes or Epilepsy Medical Management Plan in the program (if applicable)
I agree to have my child's Dietary Restrictions on display in the room (if applicable).
I understand that my child/ren must follow the Behavior Policy.
I agree to an authorised educator inspecting my child's hair for pediculosis (head lice).
Collection of Children
I understand that if I do not collect my child on time, educators will contact me first and then the authorised contacts recorded on this enrolment.
I declare that I have informed and obtained consent of persons listed as authorised contacts for their personal details to be collected and used by the venue.