Community Support

We're here for you.
At Quantin Binnah our Community team strives to invigorate community life and create life long connections. We want to connect you with the services and resources that YOU need. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding a particular service you're in need of and we'll be happy to help.
Visit our contact us page to get in touch:
Food Relief
We understand the financial challenges that everyone is experiencing due to the increasing cost of living, and we are here to support you.
Our Food Pantry supply is located in Café Qb (only available during café hours Mon to Wed and closed on School Holidays).
We also provide fresh produce on a fortnightly basis.

Breakfast Club
Before dropping the kid’s off at school come in for some brekky together to help you fuel your day. No questions asked. Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday's in the café from 8.00am to 9.00am Closed Public Holidays and school holidays. Gold coin donation appreciated but not expected.

Social Support
We have a range of social support opportunities including, but not limited to:
(see our Community Programs Brochure)
Chatty Café
The Chatty Cafe Scheme aims to get people chatting to build and encourage social connections within the local community, and to help reduce social isolation. Join others at the chatty table in Café Qb to “chat”.
Connecting Carers
Are you caring for your child/children with developmental delays/disability?
Are you caring for a person with a disability, ageing and related issues, mental health, chronic health conditions? The person you care for might be a family member, friend or a neighbour.
This group aims to share information and connections with local services, build friendships, have activities suggested by YOU and for YOUR wellbeing.
Wonder Women
Would you like some time for yourself? Would you like to spend some time with other women and connect with no expectations placed on you?
Come and join us and meet some

Clothes Swap Pop-ups
Need some new clothes for yourself or your children?
Quantin Binnah regularly runs a clothes swap pop-up to support our community.
If you don’t have anything to swap or donate, you’re still welcome to attend these pop-ups.
Unfortunately we only accept clothes donations as part of the clothes swap process.
Thank you for your understanding.